What continues to be jaw droppingly astonishing is the constant stream of utterly bizarre claims that are being promoted by many right-wing “thinkers”. Well yes, the air quotes around the word “thinkers” is wholly appropriate because very little rational thinking is taking place.
Is this posting that throws a spotlight upon it all criticism?
It is also something else. It is entertainment. The degree of disconnect from reality is so great that what we get is pure comedy gold.
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
Here for your enjoyment is this week’s selection of wingnut gems. It has all been mined from the stream of befuddled right-wing / religious proclamations …
The Cult of Trump ..
- Jeremiah Johnson: God Raised Up Trump to Issue an Emancipation Proclamation to End Abortion … “God has raised up Trump to confront and to issue an Emancipation Proclamation, so I believe that baby boomers for Trump are going to arise in this nation. They have a standard of morality, they understand the history of our country. As a millennial, Sid, I’m just here as a son to say, ‘Go, baby boomers, go.’”
- “OK Boomer”.
- Robert Henderson Claims He Has Been Called by God to Be Trump’s Spiritual Running Mate in 2020 … “But I knew that God was asking me to run in the spirit with him. So that is what I have been doing for the last three plus years, running in the spirit with him.”
- Hank Kunneman claims that God told him that President Donald Trump will get two terms in office—one for each tower that fell on 9/11.
- Alex McFarland says that Trump has …“done everything that a great, godly, moral, constitutionalist president would do.”
- I’m not exactly convinced that Alex understand what the word “Moral” means.
- Jim Bakker declares that support for Trump is … “a test [of] whether you are even saved.”
- Support for Trump is indeed a test, not of salvation, but of gullibility.
- Paula White proclaims that “the superior blood of Jesus” will protect Trump from the $80 million bounty that has reportedly been placed on him by Iran.
- At Movement 2020, Prayer Warriors Mobilize for 2020 Tent Events to Bring ‘God’s Government’ to Earth
- A circus tent is wholly appropriate for clowns.
- Stephen Strang declares that God approves of President Donald Trump’s border wall: … “We have to look no further than the Bible to learn that walls are biblical and God loves borders.”
Rather blatant attempts at emotional manipulation …
- Robert Maginnis: Christians Will Be Jailed and Killed if Trump Loses Reelection …if Democrats gain control of the levers of power, they will immediately begin to persecute Christians. “If you’ve got the keys to the jail, you control it, and then you determine who is going to go in it and who is going to stay out of it. And I tell you, Christians are the ones who are going to go in it first.”
- Reality Check: The vast majority of Democrats are Christians. The primary difference is that they are not stupid.
International Terrorism is apparently a jolly good idea …
- Jerry Boykin: It Would Have Be ‘Irresponsible’ of Trump Not to Kill Top Iranian General
- Minority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise says that Democrats ought to be more appreciative of President Donald Trump’s decision to kill an Iranian military official.
- Terri Pearsons Prays That God Will Make Iran Afraid of Trump and America
Fan Clubs
ERA Fan Club …
Background: The ERA, which was first passed by Congress in 1972, needs 38 states to ratify it into the Constitution. With Democrats gaining control of Virginia’s state legislature in the November 2019 election, Virginia is poised to become the 38th state to ratify the ERA, so this is happening …
- Ed Martin’s Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Attacks U.S. Archivist in Desperate Bid to Prevent Ratification of the ERA
- To help you grasp the depth is wingnuttery in play here …”Phyllis Schlafly Eagles called the ERA “another Marxist plot against one of America’s greatest strengths – the family.”.
Obama Fan Club …
- RBG Is Cancer Free and Brenden Dilley Smells a Conspiracy … “The answer is going to be one of two things,” Dilley claimed. “One: There are cures to cancer that exist that they don’t allow those of us at the lower end of the food chain to receive. That is answer number one. Answer number two is the bitch died and they’ve cloned her numerous times and we don’t know who the fuck that is.”
- I’m going with Option 3 – Modern medicine works and Dilley is a nutter.
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
- Preacher: We Must Re-Elect Trump or Satan Will “Take Back Over This Country”
- Buttigieg: I’ve Been a Christian Much Longer than Trump’s “Been a Republican”
- Christian Woman Sues Postal Service for Rejecting Her Self-Designed Jesus Stamps
- Christian Right Activist: Donald Trump “Is a Man Who Believes the Bible”
- He worships only himself
- A Chicken Express Employee Was Told to Go Home for Wearing a Hijab at Work
- Christian Hate-Preacher, Banned from Australia, Says Bushfires Are God’s Revenge
- Owners of Church Property Want Court to Evict Celebrity Pastor John Gray
- When he first took over the building, he also agreed to take on all its debts. He never paid those bills. Yes, this is the same guy who gave his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini and lives in a $1.8 million home so it not a case of him being broke.
- Georgia Lawmaker Plans to Introduce Useless Bill to “Protect” Prayer in School
- This bill is unnecessary, but Christians love pretending they’re being persecuted.
- Atheist Group Grades States on “Religious Equality”; There Are Lots of Failures
- Pastor Fled From Oregon to Georgia to Avoid Facing Sex Assault Charges
- The Mormon Church is Being Sued for Turning in an Admitted Child Molester