Scientific “Proof”: Non Religious people are evil

Sociologist Philip Truscott of Southwest Baptist University has published a “scientific” paper titled “Rape, Suicide, and the Rise of Religious Nones“. Within it he argues that being non-religious makes you far more probably a rapist and also prone to suicide. Spoiler: Don’t panic, his paper is pure BS, and the “journal” he has published it in, … Read more

Is Biological Sex Binary?

This is a controversial topic, even amongst skeptics, so buckle up. It is also a very important topic. Most have very strong opinions on this. When expressed, both sides will assure you that they have both evidence and science on their side and yet very obviously that can’t be true. So why am I writing … Read more

Why was a Christian Collage ordered to Shut Down?

This is a story about a Christian Collage in CA that has been ordered by the state to close. Why? For that to happen you need to be so egregious, so shockingly bad, and yes they did indeed manage to accomplish that and far far more. First, before we get into this, let’s first talk … Read more

“Educating” Oklahoma with Jesus

Today we throw a spotlight on the quite frankly grubby little carnival show of raw stupidity that is going on over in Oklahoma. The ring master is of course Christian nationalistic fanatic Ryan Walters, the duly elected Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction since 2023. A Previous notable hit from this religious huckster within his previous role as … Read more

Property Rights vs Sexual Abuse … Property Wins – WTF!

This is a posting about a recent Louisiana legal ruling that is quite frankly bizarre. It concerns a push against the victims of sexual abuse and involves shutting them out of the legal process. Children who are Victims of sexual abuse were thrown a lifeline when various states passed the Child Victims Act. Here for … Read more

Asian Jesus is driving some Fundamentalists into a frenzy

We have one hell of a crazy storm coming up. However, before we go there, let’s first briefly cover a few basics. If I was to ask you where the boundary between Europe and Asia is, then I suspect that many of you would easily nail it by pointing out that the city of Istanbul … Read more